For the rest of that evening I would just think about Keith saying it and laugh to myself a little. That happens sometimes. Keith will say something that I then remember later and can't stop laughing about. It's true. I still sometimes laugh about things he said in 1999. I guess we just have the same sense of humor. It is shared only with my BFF Christina, who also thinks these things are hysterically funny.
I guess I had Baby Ruth on the mind, because today I was in our local video rental shop with Luke when we saw a tiny dog. Luke has recently discovered dogs and giggles/gasps in delight when he sees them. Most dog owners appreciate this and stop for a moment for Luke's enjoyment. This cranky old lady dog owner just abruptly said "Come-on Doodoo* let's go," as she dragged him out of the store.
I just chalked it up to cranky old lady who couldn't find a movie to rent.
So we're checking out with our movie when I smell something hot and steamy** (in a bad way). I instinctively take a sniff of Luke's bum, since that's a reasonable source, though it was much stinkier than his usual job.
So, I look around and sure enough, there's what must be dog poop on the floor. Right in video shop!
Ah ha! That's why cranky old lady rushed out!
I immediately think to myself "holy [Baby Ruth] that dog just Baby Ruthed on the floor in the video shop!"
Followed by thinking "how rude!"
I quickly consider telling the check out girl that a dog Baby Ruthed on their floor, but settled for "I think that dog just had an accident in here."
Thinking back, why did I say "I think..." it was quite obvious that he DID have an accident!
Check out girl then rolls her eyes and suggests that the guy working next to her should clean it up. There didn't seem to be too much of a rush.
Let me tell you, when Luke Baby Ruthed in the tub I was in a big hurry to clean it up! Then again, these video shop people were just kids... they won't be masters at quick poop clean up for many years.
*Name changed for dog's privacy
**Keith refers to a bad Luke diaper as "hot and steamy" ...which, obviously, makes me laugh a lot