Thursday, January 21, 2010

The laughing menace

Every parent talks about it and it has come true: We can't take our eyes off Luke for even a minute! He has become quite a speedy crawler and he's into EVERYTHING. And I mean, like, beyond "isn't it great that he's curious and strong and busy"... it's more like "Get away from that... NO!...Mommy said No!.. When is Keith getting home?!"
I've tried to caution him calmly, i.e. "Mommy prefers that you don't put that in your mouth"... But I actually laugh to myself a little when I say that, because OF COURSE he's not going to understand!
I have observed, however, that he seems to understand a stern voice. When he tried to climb up on the door of the hot oven and I said "No Luke, that's hot!" with a loud and authoritative voice, he gave me a concerned look, followed by his award-winning pout and got down. I guess he recognized my voice and facial expression as ones he hadn't seen before.

I referred to him as a menace a week or two ago and Keith thought that was a terrible thing to say about our son.
He has since come around and agrees with my analysis.

I'm also working a bit more now and really need a bit of uninterrupted work time... especially since Luke's naps only last 30 minutes!

That's why we found a nice college senior in our neighborhood to watch Luke two afternoons per week.
She has come three times already and it's going well, which means: Luke is adjusting to spending time with someone other than Mommy and Daddy... I get some time to work, go to the gym or whatever... and I get a little break from menacing activity patrol.

All in all, we ARE happy that he's curious and active, even though it's exhausting to spend all day chasing him, removing things from his vice grip and struggling to change his diaper as he tries to wiggle free and crawl away. (Really, how is this child not tired enough to take long naps?!)

And we are very happy that he is filled with so much joy. Here's a quick video of our favorite new thing he's doing a lot -- giggling.

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