Yesterday we returned from a wonderful week visiting my parents (aka. Luke's Grammy & Grampa) in Florida.
In addition to really enjoying playing with his Gram & Gramp, Luke had many new experiences including: staying overnight with G&G for 2 nights... taking a Duck Tour around Miami Beach... wading in the ocean waves... playing in the sand... charming lots of old, leathery people... celebrating Grammy's birthday with her... and, for the grand finale - traveling home on a 6-hour cross-country flight without melting down even once.
He also figured out how to play peek-a-boo. Holding onto a coffee table, he would crouch down a little, duck his head and close his eyes for a few seconds. Then he'd pop up, open his eyes and start laughing as you shout "peek-a-boo" at him. He did this, without any coaxing, with our friends Dick and Debby, as well as with Auntie Anne and Uncle Lou. I must say, it was pretty cute!
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