Many thanks to my parents for introducing Luke to the kiddie car cart at our local super market. When I went in with Luke today for just a few items, he immediately spotted it and jumped in. Since I had to use a big cart, I bought way more than I went in for, because it would be an inefficient use of resources/ plain silly to have this huge cart for just three or four items. I'm not sure if everybody's mind works that way, but mine does. You'd think a marketing person would know better.
Anyway, there were a few plusses to having the kiddie car cart, and a few minuses:
1, 2. Luke stayed in it and didn't try to swipe glass jars off the shelves. Nor did I have to chase him around the store (that one is worth two plus points)
3. I stocked up on a few sale items that I will be glad that I have on-hand down the road.
1. They were doing major reorganization in the store so every aisle was an obstacle course of items to be moved, crates, and shelves in transition. That kiddie car thing is not exactly an agile vehicle.
2. I'll now have to use the kiddie car cart every time we go to that store... or any other that has them.

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