It's Luke's birthday weekend extravaganza!
We're not actually doing anything extravaganza-worthy except being really nice to Luke and enjoying the beautiful weather. I just think "birthday weekend extravaganza" sounds funny, especially since I declared one for myself when my birthday fell on a Saturday this year and I informed Keith that he should plan some activities :-)
But we are planning a nice day for The Monk on Monday including lots of time at the swings, a play date, turning his car seat to face front, a cupcake, balloons and a few gifts (including those that have been arriving from family...thank you!). And if the weather is nice we may have a dinner picnic at the beach.
Not bad for a first birthday, given that we don't have family or close friends around. And given that he's only one and won't remember it anyway!
So, in preparation for the big day (which is also my Parents' 41st wedding anniversary!), here are a few of our favorite photos from Luke's first day, starting with the very first time I held him:
Thanks this is such great stuff about Luke and his parents. this Blog we be the treasure trove of the Mr. & Mrs Keith L. Duffy MD family and a great look back at how and where you were at certain times in all your lives. Thanks for sharing it with us. B & B PS Between both of us we did a "not bad" on the Quiz. Was this included through the insistance of someones past job experience? (bus driver man)