This isn't a post about a favorite pet or teacher, or a life-altering experience... no, nothing like that; it's about a shower curtain.
My Mom taught high school social studies, which included history, geography and current events --from remedial to Advanced Placement levels. And if all that wasn't enough, she also became my school's leader on teaching students how to write a research paper. Including me.
Her area of expertise/ interest was an childhood undertone for Me and Chris-- the national news was on every evening, several newspapers arrived on our doorstep, and many trips and outings included a history or current events angle. As my Mom often tells, when she and Dad would tell us we were going away somewhere, Chris would ask in a suspicious tone "is this going to be a history thing?"
Of course there was always, like a pool or amusement park or shopping excursion involved. M&D were clever about working in the educational part.
So anyway, we got a gentle reminder of the world around us every day, while showering enclosed in a world map shower curtain. You pick up more than you'd think by just looking at something day-in and day-out. It included major cities and capitals, so I knew all of the odd ones like Tegucigalpa (do you know the country?*). Big-time party conversation in high school. But I was the co-editor of the school paper, so maybe that wasn't so far off. Speaking of that, my fantastic co-editor and friend Chris Donovan is now a producer of this TV show Mom was one of his influential teachers, but he must have had a world map shower curtain too.
But that shower curtain is one of the things that I remember and love from childhood--Chris too. And I just LOVE maps in general. I got that bit from my Dad. I can (and do) pore over an atlas for ever and ever. Ask anyone who has ever lived with me.
So, as we get ready to outfit our new house, of course I'm planning to buy a world map shower curtain for the upstairs bathroom that will be Luke's daily showering, tooth brushing and toilet using place. Something like this, compliments of

...ooooh baby, one of the perks about moving back to the USA = Target!
Though I haven't mentioned this design choice to Keith yet (and he does care about decor; we're already heatedly debating pendants for the dining room--no joke!), I know he will approve. He appreciates world geography, AND, he's a capital whiz - US and worldwide. What a geek.
That's why I think the world map shower curtain will be a perfect conversation piece with Luke and perfect addition to our new house.
But this brings me to another decorating dilemma that we will face in our new house: we have too many maps. We have traveled a bit and like to pick up a map of meaningful places when we're there, then frame it. Wonderful memories, yes, but as a result, if we hang all of them, PLUS the shower curtain, our house will look like the Rand McNally headquarters. Oh, that and all of the mountain pictures/paintings. We love mountains and gathered lots of different mountainy wall hangings before leaving Utah incase we never lived near mountains again.
In general, we really need to branch out with our artwork. But that will be the fun part of being home owners again.
Stay tuned for before and after photos of our new house.
Like the last 2 posts M & M Maps and Milestones both great and thanks for the Ans. It's nice to see the pipes as keith always said just the mention always garnered a Question at his interviews. Keep the info coming and have a great trip and an great homecoming to Utah with permanancy. The 3 Duffy's future is looking bright and great times are coming. Love B & B