Friday, February 19, 2010

Morning in our house

I shot this video yesterday morning before we went to the hockey game.
Keith had the day off and--after a rare late night out with his friend Jung--was attempting to sleep in.
Aided my Mommy (who had been up with Luke since 5:45 am), Luke tried to wake Daddy up by petting, prodding, poking and finally, puking on him :-)

1 comment:

  1. After a review of all the great stuff, mom laughing in the background after Luke showered father with some partially digested thick milky substance(there must be a medical term for that instead of PUKE)- Luke must have had a serious cold in that tissue video? some of these could get on AFV - the olympic stuff is great and Luke will certainly remember it after seeing it thousands of times on the 3 Duffu's site. It will be great memories of great times for the family. just keep sending this great stuff which helps us see our family in action and keeps us informes of Luke's growth and progress. If this is now communications, what will Luke be showing you his parents at that time in his life? It's all great. All our love to all and keep the 3 Duffy's stuff coming. Thanks. Hey! Mrs. Duffy Can Luke Come Out To Play????? Just over BC beat North Carolina big game at BC
