Wednesday, May 26, 2010


This is how I found Luke when I went to get him up from a nap today. I laughed, trying to imagine how much effort it took to get out of the sleeve. Then it reminded me that we used to call him Houdini when he was born because he could get out of a tight swaddle in like 3 seconds. He never liked having his arms and legs all wrapped up and would Houdini his way out of anything.

So, ever the Houdini, now that I know that he can --at least partly-- undress himself, I'll be expecting him to get ready for bed on his own very soon. Hahahaha.

1 comment:

  1. Just reviewed all the past postings. My fav is the drinking glass and his laughing. A classic for the future. All the info is great and will make a great diary for the future. Thanks! I'll show mom all this tomorrow. great chat. Love pop
