See the locks on the doors, the ones that conveniently keep Luke's wandering hands away from the cable box, modem, router and telephone? Well, the wandering hands got a hold of the keys and now they are no where to be found. And that means, we can't change the channel (the remote signal doesn't transmit through the door), can't answer the home phone, and if the Internet were to go down, we can't reset the modem.
Two fatal mistakes took place here:
1. There were two copies of the key and for some reason we didn't separate them, so now both the primary key AND the back up are gone in one fell swoop.
2. Though we were trying to keep the keys high up on top of the TV, Luke really likes playing with them so I usually let it fly if, for some reason, they are left within his reach. Keith has warned me several times not to do this.
Hiding things is not a new game for the little guy, but this time he has really stumped us. We searched everywhere, including his usual luck. He is newly obsessed with flushing the toilet and fiddling with the heating/ A/C vents, so we're a bit worried that the keys have met one of those two fates. However, I don't recall a flush or a jingling keys-down-the-vent sound during the time period that this incident likely took place yesterday, so I still have hope that they're around.
Each time I ask "Luke, where are the keys?" he squats down and looks under the closest piece of furniture. He seems to understand what I'm asking but has yet to provide any useful leads.
On a related topic, I don't think I mentioned the can of Alaskan smoked salmon from the cruise that went missing from my suitcase a few days after we moved in. It was last seen in the wandering hands, and that one is truly baffling because, unlike a set of two small keys, there are only so many places that a canned good could be hiding. And I've searched everywhere. That was really good salmon, and not cheap! On top of it all, Keith is missing three or four pairs of his favorite underwear, which he is certain were here in the house at one point.
So, as I told Keith last night, I think we'll find the keys. And when we do, maybe they'll be hanging out with the canned salmon and the undies!
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