Last night we returned from two weeks in New Hampshire and Boston. The weather was beautiful 95% of the time and --despite a 24-hour bout with stomach flu, which Luke and I brought from UT and shared with my Mom and friend Heather-- we had a wonderful visit.
We did lots of things that we can now only do in New England, including: we saw a bunch of great old high school and college friends and some family, spent time at the beach (Luke loved it), ate lots of lobster, hung out all around Boston with Matt, Carla and Abby, visited some favorite old haunts, went to a Red Sox game, enjoyed Harpoon IPA, had a fun and delicious North End dinner, where our party of 8 filled nearly the entire restaurant, and just had a really nice time. Luke got to spend a lot of quality time with his cousin Andie (for the first time, really, since they have only otherwise met when they were 4 and 3 months old), as well as with his Grammy and Grampa.
Though I had good intentions, somehow I didn't take enough photos, so there aren't any of my college girlfriends and none of Luke at the beach.
I guess you know it's a good trip when you're a little sad to leave. Being in Boston, seeing friends always does that to me, since it happens so infrequently now.
But I'm happy to be back in SLC, enjoying the cooler fall-like weather and getting settled into our fall schedule, with lots of new activities for Luke.

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