Today I took Luke on his first trip to the Hogle Zoo, a nice little zoo that's just a 5-minute drive from our house. In three years living here before we never even entered the parking lot. Now we're members.
We saw monkeys, zebras, elephants, cougars, tigers, rhinos, and much more. One tiger actually took quite a liking to Luke and was definitely staring us down (see second photo; he's a little hard to make out, but he's there all right; eyes fixed right on us!) As Luke ran off in one direction, Mr. Tiger followed. Of course he was behind two layers of fence, but since we were the only people in that area of the zoo at that time, I got a little freaked out and hustled us onto the next section! And we rode a little train; he liked the "toot-toot" of the horn.
Since we're members now I'm sure we'll be back soon.
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